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Isnin, 23 Januari 2017

44)Which is not a valid Zoom option?
a)      All
b)      Next
c)       Previous

45)What is the angle that you use to rotate the chair from point A to point B?

a)      90
b)      -90
c)       -270


In order to get the below result using Object A, you have to set the number of rows and columns to:
a)      4,1
b)      4,2
c)       4,3
d)      4,4

47)What is the value of the angle B in the following figure?

a)      62
b)      60
c)       61

48)To draw the 85 unit line shown on the following image in AutoCAD, what command line do we need?

a)      150<-30 o:p="">
b)      85<45 o:p="">
c)       85<-45 o:p="">

49)What is the primary file’s type used by AutoCAD?

a)      PDF
b)      DWG
c)       CAD

50)What is the keyboard shortcut to turn ON/OFF the ORTHO mode in AutoCAD?
a)      F4
b)      F8
c)       F9

51)What is the keyboard shortcut to turn ON/OFF the Object Snap (OSNAP) in AutoCAD?
a)      F3
b)      F8
c)       F7

52)If the following actions are taken (Dynamic input turned OFF)
Write CIRCLE and hit Enter
Write 0,0 and hit Enter
Write D and hit Enter
Write 20 and hit Enter

What will happen?
a)      AutoCAD will draw a circle of R=20
b)      AutoCAD will draw a circle of R=10 and the center of the circle will be placed at 0,0
c)       AutoCAD will draw a circle of D=10 and the center of the circle will be placed at 0,0

53)its characteristics are:

a)      Items: 10, Fill: 270, Clockwise array
b)      Items: 10, Fill: 360, Clockwise array
c)       Items: 10, Fill: 270, Counterclockwise array

Figure 1

Figure 2

54)If the following rectangular array were to be created from figure 1 to figure 2, what would X and Y be?

a)      20 and 20
b)      25 and 25
c)       30 and 30

55)What is the value of C in the following image

a)      70

b)      69
c)       79

56)What does UCS means? (In the context of CAD)
a)      User Coordinate System
b)      United CAD Software

c)       Unite, Cut and Select

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