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Khamis, 29 September 2011


This command does exactly what the name implies. You can slice a 3D solid just like you were using a knife.

Start with the basic block and cylinder shape you used in the examples above.

Slice PickpointsSlice Result

The INTERSECT command combines the volume of one or more solid objects at the areas of interference to create one solid object.

Command: SLICE
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects: Specify first point on slicing plane by
[Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points>:
Specify second point on plane:
Specify third point on plane:
Specify a point on desired side of the plane or [keep Both sides]:

This is a very useful command - think of it as a trim in 3D. Make sure you have your Osnaps on for this command and that you pick the correct points. In a complex 3D drawing, this can be tough to see. Undo this slice and try picking 3 other points. See if the results match what you thought they would do.

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